「高度な技術と時間をかけて細かい打ち欠きの作業(調整)を重ね、ほぼ完璧な左右対称性と、精緻な打製石器独特の表面の質感を実現した逸品だ。動物を解体して肉をはずすという機能に、ここまで注意深く手の込んだ細工はいらない。ただ使うだけの目的には不必要な「凝り」だろう。(松木武彦「旧石器・縄文・弥生・古墳時代 列島創世記[全集 日本の歴史]」、小学館、2007年)」
From when did we become human beings? Other animals, such as apes and avians, also use tools to hunt prey and protect themselves. What are the differences between the tools used by men and by other animals? And where is the evolutional boundary between apes and humans?
Takehiko Matsugi, a historian and an archaeologist, uses a methodology called cognitive archaeology to study the Japanese archipelago’s 40,000 years of history through the analysis of archaeological artifacts. He writes about the Acheulean stone tool as follows: “High technology and time-consuming lithic reduction technique realized this masterwork which demonstrates near-perfection in symmetry and precise surface texture unique to chipped stone tools. Such exquisite workmanship is not necessary for tools used for butchering and skinning of game; it is perhaps a ‘particularity’ unnecessary for the sole purpose.”* Matsugi assumes that humans developed their senses and abilities by having a certain kind of “particularity” that goes beyond the pursuit of functional beauty. A social message expressed there highly developed materialistic culture and led to complex social relations; and further created “culture” that spun from the Jomon period to this day.
In the name of scientific research, Japan currently hunts whales. We, Japanese, have been consuming whales from the Paleolithic Era, called Jomon, as evidenced by excavated bones from shell middens. Claiming that whaling is a traditional culture from ancient times, we hunt whales and also import them. However, it is also very known that these actions are criticized by the anti-whaling organizations in the world.
The work I submit here is a tool combining a mirror in front and a knife in back. Since the ancient times, mirror is an important tool both religiously and politically as it reflects the sunlight and also one’s self. Knives are made and used as a stone tool to hunt, butcher and skin games in the Jomon period. What is the act of “particularity” that goes beyond the pursuit of functional beauty in today’s context? To answer this question I used four ways of expressions: Polish the material beyond its use as a knife, like a mirror which reflects light and one’s self; Put an edge all around the objet and sharpen it; Make a perfectly symmetrical shape; and not only polish but also cut the surface as if it were a multi-faceted gem. In the spirit of kogei (artisan crafts), I used the most advanced processing machines as modern day chisels and planes, as wells as traditional tools: 3 Dimensional CAD for modeling, CNC router for over-all processing, chisel for faceting, and polishing compound for manually smoothing the surface.
The material I used for this work is a bone of a sperm whale. Perhaps this tool made from a bone of a whale will be used to cut the meat out of a whale. And when one takes the mirror in his hands to see the reflection of himself, the tool will cut his hands with its sharp edges all around. Cutting a whale’s meat and harming himself at the same time, the reflection in the mirror poses a question: what is “culture”?